Thursday, November 29, 2007

Clickers in the Classroom

Hello... to all of the ARS Pilot Program Users

I devised 25 questions for my first attempt using ARS in the classroom. The questions reflected information that the students had received in the first module of the class and had already been tested on over a month ago. It served as an excellent review of the information. Those students who remembered the information were very pleased with themselves.On the other hand, for those who selected incorrect options, it provided an impetus for them to review the information. I allowed 25-30 seconds for responses. In the future for easier questions, I will probably allow 20 seconds. I utilized all of the time elapse icons. The students did NOT like
the descending ball...they found it distracting. I found this to be a nice change from classroom powerpoint since it is interactive. My only complaint is regarding the set up instructions to do a practice run of the system. It was not that easy since some of the onscreen prompts differed from the instruction guide. I am looking forward to using this again.

Donna D

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