Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Clickers in Dental Hygiene

I used the clickers in the first year first semester clinical course. I posted clinical images with questions. The students had to observe the landmarks and clinical observations and answer the questions.

The response from the students was amazing. They loved it and so did I. I can see it becoming an integrated tool for preparing students for their regional board that has a 100 question computer slide examination. It will also serve as a great review when we return from break in January.

Two additional dental hygiene faculty used the clickers with the same group of students later the same week.

I found the system easy to navigate on the day of class. It took a few slides to work out the process of building in the responses/charts as there are a few steps that must be completed but once I got the hang of it, it was not difficult.

I look forward to using this in next semester's clinical course.

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